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Senior Quality & Food Safety Manager MAJID AL FUTTAIM RETAIL Carrefour UAE Head Quarter United Arab Emirates

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Hans-Dieter Philipowski

President of the international Association - Supply Chain Safety Germany

Ranjithkumar Rajamani

Ranjithkumar Rajamani

Assistant Professor Department of Biotechnology Kongunadu Arts and Science College Coimbatore-641 029 Tamilnadu, India India




Randy Ringuette

Randy Ringuette

Director, Manufacturing Sciences & Technology at Tetra Bio-Pharma Inc Canada

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Food Safety Congress 2022

About Food Safety 2021

CS with great pleasure welcomes all the contributors in the food and health industry across the globe to the International Conference on Food Safety on September 22-23, 2021 in Rome, Italy with a theme of “Let your food be your medicine”. The conference highlights keynote presentations, oral talks, poster presentations, and exhibitions. All the speakers, participants, students, and delegates from across the globe are cordially invited to the event. The International Food Safety 2021 conference encourages the young student researchers through Poster Award Competition and Young Research Forum at the conference venue.

CS organizes 3000+ global events inclusive of 1000+ conferences, 600+ workshops and 400+ symposiums on various topics of science and technology across the globe with support from 1000 more scientific societies and publishes 700+ open access journals. The scientific events are specially designed cluster of the program that provides a common platform to exchange and share the experiences and research results on all aspects of food safety.

Target Audience:

Food Safety 2021 aims to bring together leading Academic scientists, NGO professionals, Food Agronomists, Food Policy makers and regulators, Researchers and Research scholars to exchange and share their experiences and research results; about all aspects of Food Safety, Hygiene, Public Health and Economic regulations. It also provides the premier interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary forum for researchers, practitioners and educators to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, and concerns, practical challenges encountered and the solutions adopted in the field of Food Safety, with respect to Public Health and Global Economics.

Scientific Sessions

Session on: Food Safety

Unsafe food poses International health threats, endangering everybody; infants, young youngsters, pregnant ladies, the aged and people with an underlying ill health are notably vulnerable. Each year 220 million youngsters contract diarrhoea diseases and 96 000 die. Unsafe food creates a positive feedback of diarrhoea and deficiency disease, threatening the nutritionary standing of the foremost vulnerable. Wherever food provides is insecure, individuals tend to shift to less healthy diets and consume additional “unsafe foods” – within which chemical, microbiological and alternative hazards create health risks.

Food Safety Conference | Hygiene Workshop | Food Safety 2021 Food Science Congress | Hygiene Conference | Food Safety and Hygiene Meetings | Food Safety Congress 2021 Food and Hygiene Conference

Session on: Food Preservation and Quality Standard

Food preservation could also be outlined because the method of treating and handling food in such some way on stop, control, or greatly bog down spoilage and, of course, to reduce the likelihood of food borne malady whereas maintaining the optimum biological process price, texture, and flavour, when the speedy development of the many economies, quality standards have targeted on consumers' demand for safe food and drink. General ecological factors and influences, like chemicals, pesticides, food hygiene, moral trade and production, square measure among the parts of a top quality customary set.

Food Safety and Hygiene Meetings | Food Science Conferences | Food and Hygiene Conferences | Food Safety and Hygiene Workshop | Food Safety Event | Food Safety and Hygiene Congress | Food Safety and Hygiene Conferences

Session on: Food Borne Diseases and Its Prevention

Foodborne sicknesses square measure sometimes infectious or toxic in nature and caused by microorganism, viruses, parasites or chemical substances coming into the body through contaminated food or water. Foodborne pathogens will cause severe diarrhoea or enervating infections together with infectious disease. Chemical contamination will cause acute poisoning or long-run diseases, like cancer. Foodborne diseases might cause long incapacity and death. Samples of unsafe food embody raw foods of animal origin, fruits and vegetables contaminated with excreta, and raw shellfish containing marine bio toxins.

Food Safety Conference | Hygiene Workshop | Food Safety 2021 Food Science Congress | Hygiene Conference | Food Safety and Hygiene Meetings | Food Safety Congress 2021 Food and Hygiene Conference

Session on: Food and Nutrition

The effective management of food intake and nutrition square measure each key to healthiness. Good nutrition and food decisions will facilitate forestall malady. Uptake the proper foods will facilitate your body cope additional with success with associate on-going healthiness. Understanding sensible nutrition and listening to what you eat will assist you maintain or improve your health. Sensible nutrition involves avoiding sure sorts of foods. Atomic number 11 is employed heavily in processed foods and is dangerous for individuals with high pressure. The Agriculture Department advises adults to consume but three hundred milligrams (mg) per day of cholesterol.

Food Nutrition Conferences | Food Science Conferences | Food and Hygiene Conferences | Food Safety and Hygiene Workshop | Food Safety Event | Food Safety and Hygiene Congress | Food Safety and Hygiene Meetings

Session on: Food Safety in Biotechnology

Biotechnology can yield associate degree increasing array of recent foods, food ingredients, food additives and new processes to provide existing product. These embody bruise-free fruit, crisper celery and sweeter carrots, caffeine-free occasional beans, and low-calorie sweeteners. Food Safety of Animals made by Biotechnology FSIS can regulate such new product within the same manner as ancient product, taking into thought the tactic of production and its impact on the finished product, there's significant interest in developing transgenic food animals.

Food Safety Conference | Hygiene Workshop | Food Safety 2021 Food Science Congress | Hygiene Conference | Food Safety and Hygiene Meetings | Food Safety Congress 2021 Food and Hygiene Conference

Session on: Food Security and Policy

The availability of food that's accessible to all or any, safe and regionally acceptable, and reliable through time and across house – is one in all the most important problems facing developing countries these days. Progress on international targets for food security has been slow and uneven, whereas the Millennium Development Goal (MDG) to fraction the proportion of individuals stricken by chronic hunger by 2015 is accessible; progress on this goal has delayed and levelled off over the last 5 years. Presently nearly 15percent of the world’s population is malnourished (compared to the MDG target of concerning twelve percent).

Food Safety Conferences | Food Science Conferences | Food and Hygiene Conferences | Food Safety and Hygiene Workshop | Food Safety Event | Food Industry Congress | Food Safety and Hygiene Meetings

Session on: Sports Nutrition

Athletes UN agency need a winning edge would like the correct nutrition. Once you provide your body the correct fuel by drinking enough water and intake a diet, you'll create the foremost of your athletic abilities and gain additional strength, power, and endurance once you train. To realize prime performance, your diet ought to be supported a range of things as well as your age, weight, healthiness, and therefore the variety of exercise you're doing. Intake the correct combination of fuel (calories) from carbohydrates, proteins, and fats can offer you energy for prime performance. Consult your doctor for personalised sports nutrition recommendation.

Food Safety Conference | Hygiene Workshop | Food Safety 2021 Food Science Congress | Hygiene Conference | Food Safety and Hygiene Meetings | Food Safety Congress 2021 Food and Hygiene Conference

Session on: Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently approved rennet, the first biotechnologically produced enzyme approved for use in food. Much animal biotechnology research focuses on producing transgenic livestock and poultry that will utilize feed more efficiently, grow to desired slaughter weights at an earlier age, and is resistant to a variety of diseases. Farmers stand to benefit from reduced production costs, improved efficiencies, and higher quality products. Consumers will benefit because farmers will be able to supply leaner meat and poultry produced with a decreased dependence on vaccines, drugs and insecticides. In addition, consumers may see reduced prices at the grocery store, since farmers will produce animals of the same weight as is currently produced, but in a shorter period of time with lower production costs.

Food Nutrition Conferences | Food Science Conferences | Food Industry Conferences | Food Safety and Hygiene Workshop | Food Safety Event | Food Safety and Hygiene Congress | Food Safety and Hygiene Meetings

Session on: Paediatric Nutrition 

Good quality foods in infancy and childhood don't solely promote optimum growth and development throughout that point, however conjointly play a task in serving to stop fat and a few diseases of adulthood, significantly non-communicable diseases, like cardiovascular disease, sort a pair of polygenic disorder and a few cancers. Making certain a decent organic process begin for the medical specialty population can facilitate scale back morbidity and mortality later in life. Breast milk is best for babies. Skilled recommendation ought to be followed before victimization associate child formula. Introducing partial bottle-feeding might negatively have an effect on breast-feeding. Smart maternal nutrition is very important for breast-feeding and reversing a call to not breast-feed is also tough.

Food Safety Conference | Hygiene Workshop | Food Safety 2021 Food Science Congress | Hygiene Conference | Food Safety and Hygiene Meetings | Food Safety Congress 2021 Food and Hygiene Conference

Session on: Dairy Foods and Hygiene

Dairy product like milk, yogurt and cheese are smart sources of metallic element that helps maintain bone density and reduces the chance of fractures. Adults up to age fifty want 1,000 milligrams (mg) of metallic element per day. Ladies older than fifty and men older than seventy want 1,200 mg (For comparison, a cup of milk has 250 mg to 350 mg of metallic element, looking on the complete and whether or not it’s whole, low-fat, or non-fat. A typical serving of food has regarding 187 mg of metallic element). Milk is additionally fortified with cholecarciferol that bones ought to maintain bone mass.

Food Nutrition Conferences | Food Science Conferences | Food and Hygiene Conferences | Food Allergy Workshop | Food Safety Event | Food Safety and Hygiene Congress | Food Safety and Hygiene Meetings

Session on: Food Waste Management

Globally, regarding one third of all food created is lost or wasted on the management chain, causative to gas emissions and different environmental problems, wasting tremendous resources within the production processes, and creating reusable materials within the waste stream more durable to recover. Because the human population urbanises and grows cities have a chance to create on experiences from around the world to cut back their waste matter footprint, recover nutrients from waste matter, scale back gas emissions through renewable energy generation and improve their overall waste management systems.

Food Safety Conference | Hygiene Workshop | Food Safety 2021 Food Science Congress | Hygiene Conference | Food Safety and Hygiene Meetings | Food Safety Congress 2021 Food and Hygiene Conference

Session on: Good Manufacturing Practices

Good producing apply (GMP) could be a system for guaranteeing that product are systematically created and controlled per quality standards. It's designed to attenuate the risks concerned in any pharmaceutical production that can't be eliminated through testing the ultimate product. The most risks are: surprising contamination of product, inflicting harm to health or perhaps death; incorrect labels on containers, that might mean that patients receive the incorrect medicine; insufficient or an excessive amount of active ingredient, leading to ineffective treatment or adverse effects. GMP covers all aspects of production; from the beginning materials, premises and instrumentality to the coaching and private hygiene of employees.

Food Safety Congress | Food Science Conferences | Food and Hygiene Conferences | Food Safety and Hygiene Workshop | Food Safety Event | Food Safety and Hygiene Congress | Food Nutrition Meetings

Market Research Report


The weight of foodborne ailment is significant. Consistently, 1 out of 6 individuals in the United States experiences foodborne disease and in excess of a hundred thousand are hospitalized. Sanitation laws execute and screen successful measures to anticipate tainting, and to ensure the general wellbeing. The FDA in the United States builds up science-based models for the protected generation and gathering of foods grown from the ground to limit the danger of genuine sicknesses or demise. Nourishment organizations are likewise considered responsible for forestalling tainting. This is a noteworthy achievement in the endeavours to modernize the sanitation framework. The worldwide sanitation testing market size was esteemed at $13,144 million out of 2017, and is evaluated to reach $23,204 million by 2025, enlisting a CAGR of 7.3% from 2018 to 2025. Sanitation testing alludes to the review of nourishment items for infection causing life forms, synthetic compounds, and different risky materials. It is by and large focused at three essential nourishment contaminants to be specific, pathogens, synthetic concoctions, and hereditarily adjusted living beings (GMOs).

Nourishment misrepresentation is submitted when nourishment is purposely modified for monetary benefits with the aim of beguiling purchasers. The nourishment gauges office (FSA) indicates two principle sorts of nourishment cheats to be specific, closeout of nourishment that is unfit and possibly unsafe and purposeful misdescription of nourishment. Usage of different guidelines on sanitation, especially in the created economies, drives the development of the worldwide food handling testing market. Reusing of creature results, clearance of products past their utilization by date, incorporation of destructive fixings, and dangerous nourishment taking care of procedures are a portion of the significant nourishment misrepresentation exercises. The utilization of polluted nourishment, including harmful synthetic compounds and radioactive materials, results in foodborne disease, which may even prompt passing. The execution of stringent guidelines by many driving sanitation associations, for example, Food Standards Agency, European Food Safety Authority, Food Safety and Standards Authority of India, and Canadian Food Inspection Agency, to counteract sick wellbeing of buyers and nourishment extortion is required to drive the development of the worldwide sanitation testing market. What's more, ascent in financially spurred contaminations (EMAs) because of high challenge among nourishment makers, and increment in cases of nourishment corruption, for example, debasements, pesticides, fake taste enhancers, and accreditations, support the development of the sanitation testing market. Be that as it may, absence of nourishment control framework in the creating economies, multifaceted nature in testing procedures, and absence of harmonization of guidelines are foreseen to hamper the development of the market.

Global Food Safety Testing Market:

The worldwide nourishment supply is under steady risk of defilements, and this creates an interest for compelling test items that can guarantee sanitation. Microbial pathogens, for example, microorganisms, infections, natural poisons, nourishment allergens and adulterants, build-ups of medications, and rural synthetic concoctions, are perilous to individuals, whenever devoured unchecked. Pathogen testing is as yet the most predominant portion of nourishment testing. Increment in use of pesticides in horticulture and high application additives have been creating interest for the concoction and poison testing market, trailed by the hereditarily adjusted life form (GMO) showcase. The worldwide sanitation testing market by nourishment tried is ordered into meat and meat item, dairy and dairy item, oat, grain, and heartbeat, prepared nourishment, and different fixings. The meat and meat item and handled nourishment are the most prevailing fragments in this market. Meat and meat items and handled nourishment items are regularly prepared with different kinds of fake fixings to build the timeframe of realistic usability as they are exceptionally inclined to bacterial development. This creates appeal for nourishment testing to recognize destructive synthetics and poisons and pathogens.

Increasing demand among consumers for fresh and appropriate forms of food products has led to the advent of food safety practices in the food industry. However, high occurrence of foodborne disease outbreaks in several countries, including developed nations such as the U.S., has resulted in increasing concern and intensive investigation of foodborne pathogens. Thus, there is currently an increased demand for microbiological testing of food products. The purpose of a microbiological testing is to identify and restrict growth of harmful microorganisms, which may lead to spoilage of foods, and thus, ensure safety from foodborne diseases. In this report, the global market by technology has been segmented into agar culturing, PCR-based assay, immunoassay-based, and others. Agar culturing is one of the traditional processes to test pathogens. However, currently, PCR-based assay and immunoassay-based methods are more accepted than traditional methods, as ongoing developments have discovered that traditional methods are not suitable for all food products.

Importance and Scope:

International Conference on Food Safety aims at gathering distinguished academics in the field of food safety, public healthcare professionals, scientists, academic scientists, industry researchers, scholars to share and let know their researches in the field of food safety.

Theme of the International Conference on Food Safety “Let your food be your medicine” conveys the importance of nutrition to prevent or cure disease. People from every genre i.e. the highly classified professionals, budding industrialists and young innovators have a great deal in this as they will be having a chance for diversification and global communication. We believe Food Safety 2020 will come out as an academic exploration and a platform full of public awareness.

Conference Highlights: 

Food Safety

Food Preservation and Quality Standard

Food Borne Diseases and Its Prevention

Food and Nutrition

Food Safety in Biotechnology

Food Security and Policy

Sports Nutrition

Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

Pediatric Nutrition

Dairy Foods and Hygiene

Food Waste Management

Good Manufacturing Practices

Why to attend?

This is the finest opportunity to interact with participants from the Food Safety associations, Food Biotechnology Associations, Food Microbiology Societies, and Food Science Academicians. It mainly concerns on the modern impact and technologies in Food Safety and other relevant to Food Sciences, as well as for initiation of new assessments and technologies and the effectiveness of various regulatory programs on Food Safety towards Food Safety 2021 conducts presentations, share knowledge, meet with present potential and eminent scientists, and receive name recognition at this two days event.

Our aim is to aggregate community and to create a platform for exchange of information on technological developments, new scientific innovations and the effectiveness of various regulatory programs towards Food Safety 2021. It provides a premier technical forum for expressing and knowledge about the advanced research and developments, as well as exploration of new applications, technologies and to explore new trends in the field of food safety.


In many countries, including some of the more populous ones, the relative prevalence of undernourishment will decline significantly with this approach. Fewer countries than at present will have high levels of undernourishment, none of them in the most populous class. The problem of undernourishment will tend to become lesser in terms of both absolute numbers affected and, even more, in relative terms, hence it will become more tractable through policy interventions, both national and international. Now that you have all the information you need on eating healthy, the most important action step you can do is to maintain this lifestyle choice as much as possible. Post intents when you need motivation from others. Keep a diary of your food choices on your blog or journal. Talk to other people when you are feeling tempted to indulge in unhealthy desserts.

To Collaborate Scientific Professionals around the World

Conference Date February 25-26, 2022

For Sponsors & Exhibitors

Speaker Opportunity

Past Conference Report

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