Call for Abstract
Scientific Program
2nd International Conference on Food Safety and Regulatory Measures, will be organized around the theme “Global Forum for Innovations in Food Safety and Quality”
Food Safety 2016 is comprised of 14 tracks and 92 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in Food Safety 2016.
Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.
Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.
Food safety is a scientific discipline describing handling, preparation, and storage of food in ways that prevent foodborne illness. This includes a number of routines that should be followed to avoid potentially severe health food hazards. The tracks within this line of thought are safety between food industry and the market and then between the market and the consumer. In considering industry to market practices, food safety considerations include the origins of food including the practices relating to food labeling, food hygiene, food additives and pesticide residues, as well as policies on biotechnology and food and guidelines for the management of governmental import and export inspection and certification systems for foods. In considering market to consumer practices, the usual thought is that food ought to be safe in the market and the concern is safe delivery and preparation of the food for the consumer. The nature of some current food safety regulatory issues will change with time include regulation of genetically modified foods including labelling, nutrition and health claims, rapid response to food emergencies, food borne disease outbreaks and emerging pathogens.
- Track 1-1The Regulatory Affairs of Food and Food Industries
- Track 1-2From Farm to Family Table: Understanding the Food Regulatory Life Cycle
- Track 1-3Economic and Social Aspects of Food
- Track 1-4Food Law in the United States and other developed countries
- Track 1-5Managing Projects in Food Regulatory Affairs: Practical Considerations
- Track 1-6Comparing U.S. Regulatory Systems and Agencies
- Track 1-7Regulatory Differences and Similarities: An International Investigations
- Track 1-8Regulatory Differences and Similarities: An International Investigations
Food preservation on the other hand fundamentally aiming at minimizing post harvest losses of food while improving the shelf-life and value supplement. As food safety concerns started to surface with food borne illnesses, food safety management systems slowly progressed and developed to today's sophisticated levels. Food quality standards have benchmarked the required level of food quality criterion, linking the safety management systems to the desired quality. Considering the importance of quality standards and food management system in maintaining food safety and security abstracts are invited from the research outputs from these areas.
- Track 2-1Food contamination
- Track 2-2Detection of pathogens and allergen and other additives
- Track 2-3Chromatography in food analysis
- Track 2-4Emerging innovation in food analysis
- Track 2-5Emerging technologies on quality improvement ISO 22000 – from intent to implementation
- Track 2-6From farm to fork – ISO 22005 to systemize traceability of food and feed
- Track 2-7Demand of Safe Food but Lack of FMS in Developing Countries
- Track 2-8The implementation of a quality management standard in a food SME
- Track 2-9Factors influencing HACCP implementation in the food industry
- Track 2-10Food quality and safety management systems: a brief analysis of the individual and integrated approaches
Sustainability of global food production and its standard depend to a greater extent on the quality of the environment. At present time the quality of the environment in which the food production depends on is at a critical margin since environmental degradation and pollution of environment is increasing in an terrify rate. Pollutants in the environment are contaminating our food amenity and public health problems associated with such contaminants are increasing. The alarming increase of non-contagious diseases such as cancer, chronic kidney disease, heart diseases in human populations in many geographical locations of the world could also be associated to environmental contaminants associated with our food resources. Abstracts are invited from the above discipline which relate food environment protection and public health issues.
- Track 3-1Investing in Food Safety and Environmental Protection
- Track 3-2Balancing Risks and Benefits in food safety and environmental resource co-management
- Track 3-3Environmental Features & Potential for Incompatibility with food safety
- Track 3-4Operation Characteristics & Potential for Incompatibility with FMS
- Track 3-5Alternative options for different food safety programs
- Track 3-6Practices to Address Food Safety Concerns on-the-ground consequence of co-management challenges
- Track 3-7Economic Impacts and Financial Considerations of Co-management
Food safety challenges diverge by region, the responsibility for safe and nutritious food is shared by all players in the food system and the provocation is to build comprehensive food management systems that ensure the long term involvement and commitment of all concerned parties. Complications in food safety show no boundaries. While biological, chemical and physical food hazards of continue to pose significant menace to food safety across the globe; all these and related issues become formidable challenges for "providing safe food for all". Hence, focused area under "food safety challenges" is primarily assigned, but not limited to, any challenge (physical, chemical, microbiological, policy, social or any other level) that will pose considerable risk to provide safe food for all, i.e. increase food- borne illnesses/diseases.
- Track 4-1predictive microbiology
- Track 4-2stress on agricultural and food production
- Track 4-3Effects of Climate Change on Food Safety
- Track 4-4Increasing demand for processed agricultural products from emerging countries
- Track 4-5Difficult perception of Globalization from sanitary point of view
- Track 4-6Food and Water Security for fast growing populations in developing countries
- Track 4-7Pressure of safe food on the local Markets due to international Markets
- Track 4-8Natural Disasters Influencing Food Safety
- Track 4-9Challenges to meat safety in the 21st century
- Track 4-10Food Borne Diseases
- Track 4-11Dietitian and Nutritional Supplements
Advances in Food quality and processing encompass, product design and process control, application of good food hygenic practices, throughout production Processing, food labeling, food Handling, food distribution ,storage Sale ,preparation ,use The above in synchrony with HACCP system, application include to the complete food chain, Production on the farm through to the consumer.
- Track 5-1High pressure as an effective processing technique in the food industry
- Track 5-2Hyperspectral imaging
- Track 5-3Food microstructure
- Track 5-4Food analysis by HPLC
- Track 5-5Edible coatings and films to improve food quality
- Track 5-6Food Logistics and Economy
- Track 5-7Food applications of nanotechnologies
Microbiological hazards are one of the most indicative, causes of food poisoning. An understanding of these hazards is vitally to understanding how suitable controls may be applied Food safety/quality testing is required to obtain a certificate of testing for ready to eat and raw products at certain stages of processing Food testing technologies such as Polymerase chain-reaction (PCR) testing determines major pathogens like E.coli0157:H7, Listeria monocytogenes, Salmonella and Campylobacter by identify the presence of the organism's DNA ELFA Enzyme-Linked Fluorescent Assay (ELFA) exhibit pathogens by detecting their protein. Chemistry for Food Safety (FSMA) Such as Toxic Metals, Antibiotics, Mycotoxins, Melamine; Chemistry for Food distinction, such as pH, Total Solids, Water Activity, Nutrients Ingredients. Modern food safety has its roots in Chemical Aspects discipline. Initially these methods were applied to extend the food testing and over time an understanding appearance that many of these methods had the effect of making food safer for human consumption. Today these methods are used extensively in the global food sector as part of HACCP plans to consistently produce food for a mass consumption with high quality and safety.
- Track 6-1Verocytoxigenic E.coli in meat and dairy sectors
- Track 6-2Salmonella in Meat and Poultry
- Track 6-3Listeria moncytogenes in dairy and ready to eat foods
- Track 6-4Cronobacter in infant milk formula
- Track 6-5Campylobacter in poultry
- Track 6-6Emerging resistance of food pathogens to biocides and antibiotics.
- Track 6-7Advanced systems for the rapid detection of anti-parasitic drugs in food
- Track 6-8Investigation of anti-parasitic and anti-microbial drugs in milk, their effect on cheese manufacturing and their stability in a range of dairy products
A policy orientation for food security and safety include state-wise, previous, current and future policy issues, and cope-wise sustainability of agriculture. The particular part of food distribution in our society can be examined through the perusal of the changes in the food supply chain. Globalization in particular, has significant effects on the food supply chain by validate scale effect in the food distribution industry. Provision of adequate amount of essential nutrients to human beings has ever been the challenge in the province of food security. Hence, malnutrition is heavily interlinked to food security consideration, yet difficult to be eliminated. food security and policy therefore become magnetic in the province of research. Food safety 2016 here sought the extended abstracts of such research findings to be published
- Track 7-1Global and local analyses of food security
- Track 7-2Enabling policies for local and global food security
- Track 7-3Sustainable intensification of food production systems
- Track 7-4Innovative ways of feeding increasing population
- Track 7-5Learning from the past to understand the future
- Track 7-6Land sparing, land sharing and trade-offs
- Track 7-7Lost harvest and wasted food
- Track 7-8Nutritional security
- Track 7-9Labeling, certifying and striving for quality and sustainability of food production
The food industry is persistantly facing new hazards and threats, with new issues being identified on an almost daily basis. To meet these reinforce challenges, our food safety management systems must also evolve. The now traditional approach of managing food safety through requisite, programmes and HACCP may no longer be sufficient. The food industry needs to encapsulate new systems, such as TACCP, to address vulnerabilities to deliberate contamination. It is considered that a comprehensive approach to food safety management will be most effective. Systems can only be effective where the food firm has a well developed culture of food safety. Primary objective – food is safe and suitable for human consumption.
- Track 8-1Allergen Control
- Track 8-2Environmental Monitoring
- Track 8-3Packaging Plant Food Commissioning Requirements
- Track 8-4Evolution in Food Systems
- Track 8-5Supply chain Risk Reduction
- Track 8-6Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA)
- Track 8-7GFSI revolutionizing Global Food Safety
Modern food legislation depends upon international principles and standards food is governed by a complexity of laws and regulations in orderto set out the government’s requirements to be met by food chain operators to ensure the food is safe and of adequate quality. Generally “food law” is pre-owned to apply to legislation which regulates the production, trade and handling of food and hence secures the food safety regulations, food safety and relevant aspects of food trade. Attainable quality requirements are included in the food law to ensure the foods produced are unadulterated and are not put through to any fraudulent practices intended to deceive the consumer. In addition, food law should cover the total chain from origin with provisions for animal feed, on-farm controls and early processing through to final distribution and use by the consumer.
- Track 9-1Global Market, Ethics and Regulation on Food Safety
- Track 9-2Food Safety Certification and Assurance Systems
- Track 9-3Food Label Management
- Track 9-4Food Processing and Packaging Technologies
- Track 9-5The regulatory affairs of food and food Industries
- Track 9-6Understanding the food regulatory life cycle
The question of regulation, innovation and their influence on competitiveness in global markets has a high relevance for the food industry. However, little has been done to understand the effect of regulation on the capacity of such a traditional industry like the food industry to discover and to introduce new products and services in the market. Transformation activities in the food industry can be detected on different levels and with differing methodological approaches innovative fields in the food industry are analysed whether the existing regulatory framework has hindering or facilitating impacts on the development and introduction of new supplements : the use of genetic engineering approaches for food production and food processing, the field of health align Functional Foods and organic food products. In the coming years the agro-food sector is confronted with multifarious new scientific approaches and technical opportunities which often have an interdisciplinary character. However, in remarkable SMEs of the food industry are not well prepared to profit from these developments. Therefore, the investiture and building-up of interfacing competencies as well as the establishment of new outermost knowledge and competence networks seems to be of strategic relevance for many companies of the EU food industry. In this context it is advisable to broaden the knowledge base of external co-operations and include clients, retail companies, research institutes,particular service companies as well as other companies of the food and supplying industries in such networks
- Track 10-1Food Storage and Distribution
- Track 10-2Production and Processing of food with wastewater (Polluted Water)
- Track 10-3Water quality deterioration with inputs of fertilizers and pesticides
- Track 10-4Health and nutritional effects due to consumption of contaminated water.
- Track 10-5Food Borne Diseases
- Track 10-6Risk and Hazard Analysis
- Track 10-7Effect of parasites on Food utilization by the individual metabolism
- Track 10-8Herbal Food Supplements
Foodomics is the study of chemical compounds in food. It is the discipline that studies food and nutrition through the application and integration of advanced omics technologies to improve consumer's well-being, health, and knowledge. Foodomics is the comprehensive, high-throughput approach for the exploitation of food science in the light of an improvement of human nutrition. In the foodomics field, researchers working in food chemistry, analytical chemistry, biochemistry, microbiology, molecular biology, food technology, clinical sciences, and human can finally work together, with an omics approach, to reach the main objective, the optimization of human health and well-being. Applications of Foodomics include thegenomic, transcriptomic, proteomic, and/or metabolomic study of foods for compound profiling, authenticity, and/or biomarker-detection related to food quality or safety; the development of new transgenic foods, food contaminants, and whole toxicity studies; new investigations on food bioactivity, food effects on human health, etc.
- Track 11-1Microbial modeling and technologies for foodborne pathogens
- Track 11-2Toxicological evaluation of proteins introduced into Food crops
- Track 11-3The integration of new technologies like transcriptomics, proteomics and metabolomics
- Track 11-4Food bioactivity and its effect on human health
- Track 11-5Potential of biomarkers to detect unsafe products
- Track 11-6Important tools for the analyses of food origin, traceability, and quality
- Track 11-7Modernising the food risk analysis model
- Track 11-8Metagenomics and entire genome sequencing
Food Nano technology is defined as the ability to control and restructure matter at the atomics or molecular levels, allowing the manipulation of dissimilar properties and phenomena at those scales to create new functionalities, leading to new properties and new devices that might make food manufacturing more economical and efficient. The world human population reached 7.3 billion in the year 2015 and continues to grow. This leads to several important global challenges with respect to availability manufacturability, preservation, safety sustainability vulnerability and wholesomeness of foods. The use of Nano encapsulation nanotubes Nano emulsions, Nano particles and Nano sensors enables food scientists to successfully deliver nutrients and nutraceuticals and detect pathogens and contaminants in a more efficient way to develop miniaturized analytical tools for various application’s and developimaging tools to character structure and chemistry.
- Track 12-1Predictive microbiology
- Track 12-2Novel food and food ingredient case studies
- Track 12-3Introduction of nanotechnology into the food industry, risks and benefits
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