Beate Kettlitz
Food DrinkEurope
Director for Food Safety, Science and R&D
Beate Kettlitz After finishing her studies of food chemistry at Humboldt University in Berlin, in 1975, Beate Kettlitz worked at the Hygiene Inspection Services in Potsdam and was there in charge of foodstuffs. These tasks mainly included operative services - such as control of food producing facilities, stores, kitchens, producing meals for hospitals, school's and other facilities, to check for good hygiene practices and to give advice. After the successful achievement of a special professional certificate in the field of hygiene practice in 1978, she continued her professional engagement in the Regional Hygiene Institute of Potsdam. She became responsible for the control and professional advice for dairy products, dietetic products, baby food and other foodstuffs as field and later department manager. After her arrival in Brussels in 1991 she worked as an adviser on technical regulatory aspects for the food industry. As of May 1999, Beate Kettlitz started her professional carrier as a food policy adviser at BEUC,which lasted until April 2005. In April 2005 Beate Kettlitz jointed FoodDrinkEurope (former CIAA) as a Director for Food Safety, Science and R&D.
Research Interest
• Regulatory measures for multiple use substances, illustrated on the example of chlorate
• The use of food safety management systems for the mitigation of acrylamide
• How to deal with potential food safety challenges