Marco Iammarino
Principal Investigator - Project "MPSQA"
Institute Zooprofilattico of Puglia and Basilicata
Marco Iammarino is a Food Technologist and Chemical Surveyor. Since 2002, he is a Researcher of Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale della Puglia e della Basilicata (IZS-PB) of Foggia (Italy). Currently, he is employed as Principal Investigator at National Reference Centre for Detection of Radioactivity in Feed and Foodstuff of IZS-PB
Research Interest
He deals about food quality and safety, analytical chemistry applied to food analysis, research & development and analytical methods validation. In particular, he has developed several analytical methods (HPLC, HPIC, CE, LSC, TLC, ELISA) for the determinations of food additives (nitrites, nitrates, sulphites, polyphosphates, organic acids, etc.), radionuclides, mycotoxins, pesticides and drug residues in foods and feed materials. He has published more than 100 articles in peer-reviewed and Academic Journals, Congress Proceedings and books. He has carried out the activity of reviewer for 40 International Journals.