Irene Rodrigues Freitas
University Center of North Paulista.
Irene Rodrigues Freitas is graduated in Food Engineering from Federal University of Tocantins (UFT- Brazil), in 2003. She has MSc degree in Engineering and Food Science from Federal University of Rio Grande (FURG- Brazil), in 2011 and DSc degree in Engineering and Food Science from São Paulo State University (UNESP-Brazil), in 2015. She work in the course of Chemical and Production Engineering on Northern São Paulo University Center (UNORP-Brazil) and Department of Sciences Exact and Earth at the Minas Gerais State University (UEMG/Frutal-Brazil). The publications principal are in fish protein isolated, vegetable oil and food safety. Has experience in the area of food science and technology, in subjects, quality assurance, food safety, technology of animal products, technology of oils, bioactive compounds and food technology.
Research Interest
Irene Rodrigues Freitas research interest towards Control Quality, Quality Management, Food Technology and Unit Operations.